Attendance and Tardies
State law requires regular school attendance. Good attendance habits promote responsibility and allow students to gain the optimum benefit from daily classroom instruction. Parents are an integral part of encouraging good attendance and supporting the educational program. We urge you to have your child in school at all times unless he/she is ill. The first bell rings at 7:30 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 7:35 a.m. All students must be in their classrooms by 7:35 a.m. Students arriving after 7:35 a.m. are considered tardy and must obtain a pass to class from the school office.
Excused Absences/Tardies are due to an illness of student, doctor or dental appointments, or a funeral of an immediate relative. Absences for any other reasons are considered unexcused by the State Education Code. Students are to bring a note from parents the day they return to school from an absence. Parents also have the option of calling the school Attendance Hotline (951) 929-7341.
Excessive Absences/Tardies: Parents will receive a letter from the school when student tardies or poor attendance patterns are excessive and/or are interfering with the student’s educational progress. Continued absences will require parent contact with the District’s Child Welfare and Attendance (C.W.A.) office or the School Attendance Review Board (S.A.R.B). Students with excessive early pick-ups will not qualify for Perfect Attendance. Students on an inter- or intra-district transfer with excessive absences and/or tardies will have transfers revoked. (See transfer contract for details.)
Early Pick-up and Release: Students leaving for appointments will be required to provide a note from the doctor’s office. Each early pick-up is logged and tracked. Habitual offenders will be referred to S.A.R.T.
Late Pick-up: Students are to be picked up from school promptly each day. They are not allowed to hang-out on or around campus. All students still on campus 25 minutes after the end of the school day will be brought to the office. Proper photo identification will be needed to release for late pick-up. Only parents or those listed on a student’s emergency contact list will be permitted to pick-up students. Each late pick-up is logged and tracked. Habitual offenders will be referred to S.A.R.T. If the office staff is unable to reach a parent or emergency contact, the Hemet Police Department will be contacted.
Illness: If your child shows symptoms of illness before school, please keep him/her home from school. Students who remain at home at the onset of an illness recuperate faster and miss fewer days of school. Please notify the school immediately when a communicable disease is suspected or diagnosed.
Extended Illness: In the case of an extended illness (three or more days), assignments may be requested through the office. Home instruction may be provided as well. Parents need to discuss post-operative procedures or special care with the school health technician and the teacher.
Perfect/Outstanding Attendance
Attendance incentives are provided throughout the year. Those students with Perfect/Outstanding Attendance will have the opportunity to participate in the incentives.
Perfect Attendance:
- No Absences
- No Tardies – NO EXCEPTIONS
(Includes No Saturday School/Independent Study Habitual early pick-ups will be disqualified.)
Outstanding Attendance:
- Three (3) or less absences
- Three (3) or less tardies
- Completed Independent Study